Why did Jesus choose “Twelve” Disciples and not any other number?

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There are several views on this matter. One opinion suggests that it represents the four corners of the earth (North, South, East, West) multiplied by 3 (symbolizing the Holy Trinity), resulting in 4×3=12. Psychology tells us that this number is effective. Those who lead groups have found that 12 is a good number for Sunday school classes and Bible studies. It provides a sufficient variety of opinions while being small enough for everyone to get to know each other well. The prevailing opinion is that the number 12 signifies completeness in a governing structure. – In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were divided into 12 tribes, each with a leader. – The twelve disciples would become the nucleus of the New Testament Israel: 12 thrones in judgment (Matthew 19:28), 12 gates of precious stones, and twelve fruits in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:12; 22:2). – Understanding the importance of this, the disciples quickly replaced the traitor Judas with another disciple. It’s worth noting that the twelve complemented each other: – All except one met Jesus in the upper room (with Thomas being the one absent). – All received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and performed signs and wonders. – When Stephen was martyred, the disciples remained in Jerusalem, while the other believers scattered. – They consulted together about accepting Saul of Tarsus (Paul the Apostle) among them. – They established the first church council with the early church fathers. Jesus said to His twelve apostles: “When the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Matthew 19:28). Clearly, Jesus chose His disciples to match the number of the tribes of Israel or the twelve sons of Jacob. The twelve tribes formed the Old Testament Church in a limited context, and the twelve apostles formed the New Testament Church encompassing the entire world. There are many other points to consider: Note that the year consists of twelve months, meaning that time completes itself for the earth in twelve months. As the Lord told Abraham when He appeared to him at the oaks of Mamre: “I will return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son” (Genesis 18:10). This means she would have a son at the same time the following year. In one year, or twelve months, the earth completes a full orbit around the sun, covering all seasons with their changes. The completeness of the year in twelve months symbolizes the fullness of time, as Jesus said: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Indeed, the Sun of Righteousness—our Lord Jesus Christ—shone in the fullness of time, as promised by the Lord: “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings” (Malachi 4:2). No sun has wings except our Lord Jesus Christ, who stretched out His hands on the cross to embrace all who repent. We notice that the day consists of twelve hours, as Jesus said: “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him” (John 11:9-10). Jesus is the light of the world, and the gospel is the light of the world. Therefore, the twelve disciples carried this light and spread it to illuminate the world. They were twelve to carry the lights of the twelve hours of the day. Each of them symbolized an hour of the day, as the Lord said about John the Baptist: “He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light” (John 5:35). The number 12 is three multiplied by four (3×4=12): The number 3 signifies the Holy Trinity and its work in the salvation of humanity. The number 4 refers to the four directions of the world or to the four Gospels. Thus, the number 12 symbolizes the work of the Holy Trinity in the salvation of humanity throughout the world from east to west and north to south. Jesus told His disciples: “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15); “Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Indeed, it was said about the apostles: “Their voice has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 19:4). From the history of the people during the Exodus from Egypt, at the beginning of their journey in the wilderness of Sinai, after crossing the Red Sea, they “came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees” (Exodus 15:27). This clearly symbolizes the twelve disciples, and the seventy apostles appointed by Jesus Himself. It is also noteworthy that the Coptic Church celebrates the feast of the apostles on the 12th day of the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar. In speaking of the armies of angels, Jesus said to Peter: “Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53). In the Book of Revelation, John the Apostle saw around the throne in heaven twenty-four elders with golden bowls and harps, offering incense before God, which is the prayers of the saints (Revelation 5:8). It is noteworthy that the number 24 is double 12 because on earth, there are twelve hours of day, but in heaven, there is no night and day; there is perpetual day symbolized by the number 24 (Revelation 21:25). The 144,000 pure ones (Revelation 14:3-4) in the heavenly scene following the Lamb wherever He goes represent 12×12=144 multiplied by a thousand. These lived a pure and illuminated life (12 hours in the light of day), reflecting the apostolic faith (12 apostles), and their number is vast and uncountable (thousands). This reminds us of the repentance of the people of Nineveh, whom God described as numbering twelve myriads or 120,000, which is 12×1000×10, symbolizing those who love the light of repentance in uncountable multitudes (tens of thousands). This leads us to the following question: Did God design the day to have twelve hours and the year to have twelve months so that Jesus would choose twelve disciples? Or did He choose twelve disciples because the day has 12 hours, and the year has 12 months? To answer this, we say: The primary meaning of the number 12 is to signify the Holy Trinity’s work in the salvation of humanity throughout the world. This foundational meaning arranges other things accordingly. Indeed, Lord, how marvelous are Your designs! In wisdom, You have made them all. How unsearchable are Your judgments and Your ways past finding out! We can only stand in awe and wonder at Your holy plans.

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