How to preserve the sanctification of the body?

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• Discipline your senses, dear brother, and be cautious with them, for through them enters the death of a person’s inner self. Be vigilant in this, and consider what Saint Anthony said: many have accomplished great deeds, but because they did not perform these deeds with discernment, they did not perceive God’s way and did not reach that pure harbor. • This is the disciplined ordering of a man of God: prevent your eyes from looking at the beauty of the fleeting human form by fixing your gaze on God, and prevent your ears from hearing any evil by listening to the mysteries of the Almighty. • Beware of inhaling foul scents, even if your nose finds them pleasant, and instead, replace them with the sweet fragrance of Christ! • Close your mouth with complete caution, for this is the ultimate goal. Guard your mouth from the tastes of the world and from all vain words by speaking with God and conversing with your Creator! • The fifth sense, which is touch—entrust it to the ever-watchful Guardian, and seek purity in all your movements and touches so that the Lord may guard you from impure thoughts! • Whoever desires to keep themselves and their conscience free from evil deeds must guard these senses and entrust them into the hands of God, the faithful Helper of the weak. • This is the discernment of which our fathers speak, saying it is higher than all virtues, and without it, no virtue can be found in anyone. Once a person purifies their outer self through these senses, and the inner self is sanctified, the light of the Holy Trinity will shine within their soul. This is the reward God promised to the pure in heart.

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