How to confess our sins?

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When we want to build a good house, we carefully search for a skilled and reputable engineer. Likewise, when we aim to construct a heavenly home (a sanctified palace for ourselves to dwell in with Christ), we must diligently seek a spiritual father and guide in whom we have confidence, particularly in his spirituality.

After praying about this matter, conducting a thorough search, and making a wise choice (a balanced one without ulterior motives), those who walk the path of holiness should sincerely intend to carry the cross of obedience. This obedience can sometimes be painful or distressing, but it promises a reward in the end.

Obedience to the spiritual guide, as the saints say, is the guiding grace of God for the soul. One must also be cautious not to become a self-appointed spiritual expert for oneself or others, thinking they know more than their guide, and should not forget God’s role and work through the guide.

It should be understood that as much as one entrusts themselves to their spiritual guide, God will provide sufficient counsel through the guide for their sake (the penitent), even if the guide himself is unworthy.

Know that hiding anything from the confessor is very dangerous, as it burdens the soul and benefits the devil. It is not necessary to disclose everything in the first or second confession session, but there should be an intention to reveal oneself before God in the presence of the confessor.

A doctor cannot prescribe the right treatment unless the patient informs him of the nature of the illness.

Never despise your spiritual father, regardless of his flaws. Even if you see him naked, cover him with Noah’s cloak in the same way Shem and Japheth did, so you may receive the blessing they received and avoid Ham’s curse.

At the end of our earthly life, we will meet Christ, who will ask us about everything we did. However, if you want Christ not to ask you about something you did, confess it. The things we confess disappear as if they never happened. After confession and the prayer of absolution, sin leaves no trace because it is wiped away by the blood of Christ, which cleanses from all sin.

Do you know the difference between a saint and a sinner? A saint sins and repents, while a sinner sins and does not repent.

Saints are made of the same substance as us, endure the same sufferings, and face the same temptations. Everyone’s clothes get dirty, but there are those who clean them and those who do not.

Those whose clothes are clean are ordinary people with ordinary clothes, walking in the streets like us, their clothes getting dirty just like ours… but they wash them! Do you understand what I mean?

These are the ones who came out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14).

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